蒙其·D·魯夫(モンキー?D?ルフィ)是ONE PIECE(海賊王、航海王)裡海賊團“草帽小子”的船長。他的口頭禪是「我要成為海賊王!」(日語:海賊王に、おれはなる!)。
International Business (Asia Global Edition)2版
魯夫的夥伴有索隆、娜美、騙人布、香吉士、·喬巴、妮可·羅賓、佛朗基、布魯克及海賊船梅利號,ONE PIECE的作者是尾田榮一郎,他畫的《航海王》,從一九九七年開始連載,當時的他才二十二歲…無聊的人可以算一下作者現在幾歲?希望他可以跟多啦A夢(小町噹)一樣…永遠都有新奇的故事,航海王真是百看不膩的動漫之一。
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/zoe7.web/products/0010689738
作者: Hill, Wee, Udayasankar
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/08/20
- 語言:英文
International Business (Asia Global Edition)2版
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/zoe7.web/products/0010689738
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/zoe7.web/products/0010689738
In this edition, ◎超水滴兒童錶.冰雪奇緣.復仇者聯盟◎we continue to emphasize both theoretical and practical content that enhances focus on the global business environment, as well as cases based on Asian firms.
This involves changes to the main narrative of chapters and the introduction of new and interesting anecdotes by means of the Country Focus and Management Focus boxes-a highlight of this leading text to date.
For a more detailed overview of all the changed in this edition, we direct the reader to the chapter synopses that follow this preface.
Finally, we has also updated all statistics and other information, as far as possible.
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